So now for part 2 of the construction of the firewall. This part has a lot of little details and I really wish I had a better camera. So please excuse the blurriness of some of the photos.
I started with the two turnbuckles that secure the top and bottom tank straps together. I first painted the .015" brass rod silver and glued them in the holes drilled into the straps. The turnbuckles themselves were first made with the same .015" brass rod, but this proved to be much too large for scale. So I switched to some .007" wire pulled from an electrical wire and straightened. To create the nut, I wrapped the same wire around a straighten piece.
I pulled the ends of the wrapped rod tightly and cut along the length of the straight rod. This left a tiny little ring wrapped around the wire. With tweezers I worked the ring to the proper shape and tacked it in place with a smear of super glue. After cutting it to length to fit inside the pins in the straps, you get something really small, but really cool.
Here's the turnbuckle glued in place. This looks so much better than the kit parts, even though it's so small, its likely to be one of those overlooked details. But for those who see it, it will be mindblowing!
Before gluing the oil tank to the firewall, I had to fasten the strap mount brackets in place. I did this by eye, because the kit mounts were cut and filed off. Once I was satisfied with their position, I drilled a hole through the firewall for the "bolt" that will hold the mount. I slid a brass rod (painted silver) through the back of the firewall, protruding it on the front side enough to be a good scale bolt.
I scrapped away a little of the paint on the front of the firewall around the bolt so the glue surfaces would be more clean. I glued the mount in place with super glue.
The oil tank was glued on and two more brass rods were painted silver to create both the pins and the rods to finally mount the straps to the fire wall. It could some experimentation to get the length right, but once in place you see it all come together beautifully.
I had to add a few little details that were left off the kit oil tank, which can also be seen in the above photo. The dip stick tube and filler cap were made from plastic rod. The pull tab on the dipstick tube was made from soda can aluminum. Here is another picture of these details.
The hose running from the firewall to the top of the oil tank was included in the kit, but any one who has built a kit with round parts knows they are never actually round and there isn't much that can be done to fix them. So I made a new one from a paper clip. The clip had some corners which were easily filed down to make it more round.
I also had to cut off the hose from the filler port on the oil tank and hollowed it out so I can fit the new hose inside.
The hose was painted zinc chromate and is currently awaiting its attachment. That will be continued in part 3.
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